As the music began softly, he took her hand. He slowly, step by step, lead her to sit on the antique bench. Her eyes sparkled – his filled with joy. He got down on his knees, removing her shoes, lightly placing them beside the bowl of water. He took her foot and began washing. Soft music in the background and tears all around, they intimately reminded themselves of Jesus’ love. He gently finished washing her feet. They, then, traded places. She slowly bent down, in her beautiful lace dress, onto her knees. She washed his feet in humility. They knew this moment was only the first of many services to each other in their marriage – everyone around them witnessing what their love really looked like. This moment radiated love and humility – something they will forever remember as the years of continued love arrive.

Oh my GOODNESS!!!!! Cory and Kayla had such a beautiful ceremony. As you read above, the feet washing was my absolute favorite part of their day! I seriously loved every moment of their day, though. Cory and Kayla were both filled with so much love and excitement! Neither of them seemed to be nervous at ALL! Weddings like theirs give me ALL THE FEELS. Not only was it so relaxed and exciting, but their wedding day was filled with the Lord’s presence. He so evidently radiates through their love and I am so glad I got the honor of capturing their precious moments. I am so excited to share their images with you!!!
Cory + Kayla,
You two are an absolute DREAM. I had so much fun witnessing such a beautiful, exciting, love-filled wedding day. Thank you so much for allowing me to be the one to capture each intricate moment. I know that you two are absolutely perfect for each other and the Lord is going to bless your marriage tremendously. I can’t wait to see everything he does in your lives!! I love you guys so dang much!!
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