I saw the Lord today. 

Okay, not literally😉 But I’ve seen him today. 

Do you ever find yourself wanting to see the Lord in your life but you just kind of feel like he isn’t showing up? I get it. 

I think we get so wrapped up in life and doing our little 5 minute devotions, that we don’t realize that a lot of times, the reason we aren’t seeing him is because we aren’t giving Him our all. 

Until 2020, I truly had never been at a place with the Lord that everyone always talks about. Those people who every other word out of their mouth is talking about the goodness of God? The people who are constantly just talking about him and what he’s doing in their life. I had plenty of friends like that, but I never experienced this for myself until last year. 

2020 obviously changed us all. So much happened. But, specifically, I changed last year. It actually started toward the end of 2019. My husband was looking for a new job and it was probably the first time I have ever prayed fervently over something. It was the first time I believed so strongly that God would move us into the next phase of life. And it was the first time I had fully depended on prayer. 

At the beginning of 2020, my husband got a new job. I felt so strongly that it was the Lord’s blessing and that’s when I realized, I gave him my all. I depended solely on him for this particular thing. And he came through. WHOA. I continued in giving him my all. I prayed over my life in a lot of ways and things started happening in a very incredible way. I won’t go into all of the things that started happening, but let’s just say it was a domino effect. I was fervently praying and depending on the lord for so many things. And he was there. 

He answered prayer after prayer after prayer. I watched him change me from the inside out and I still look back and it blows my mind. 

All of that to say, He is faithful when we are faithful. So, are you giving him your all? There are times when I don’t. Seriously. But now that I’ve seen the way he works in me when I am faithful, it’s like I don’t ever want to NOT see him answer prayers. He is responsible for ALL the things in my life that I would call blessings. And it feels so good to know a God who loves us so much that he wants to give us the desires of our heart and work in us to be more like him and know him more. 

So if you ever feel like he isn’t showing up, check your heart. Are you giving him your all? Fling yourself into the arms of Jesus and let him work it all out for you.

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