I COULD CRY RIGHT NOW! How is it possible that i am finishing my second trimester and heading into the third!? AHHHH I AM PUMPED!!!

If you haven’t read my first trimester blog, go check that here out right now! But if you have, you know that my first trimester was a little rough. I was SO sick, to the point that i lost about ten pounds. Thankfully, i finally got over *most* of the nausea in the second trimester at week 17. But i still get sick every now and then and the nausea occasionally still sweeps through. It’s fine though, because it’s a solid reminder of the precious life growing inside me. 

So many things have happened in the second trimester and i am giddy looking back on it all! First, baby H started KICKING!!! I felt the first little flutters in week 17 and have felt them EVERY DAY since 18 weeks and 4 days. It blows my mind still, every time i feel his kicks. Around week 23 they definitely got stronger. 

Week 25 i was officially busting out of my size ten high waisted jeans that i was given by a friend at the beginning of my pregnancy. I was way out of my own jeans by then HAHA. 

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve definitely been feeling slight discomfort and pressure in the tummy. I’ve had random leg cramps and my appetite has definitely increased. We’ve also been working on the nursery and I can’t wait to share it when it is finished!

It has been such a fun journey and i can not believe i am on the home stretch. We will meet our little one SO SOON. I love him so much already and i just can’t wait to hold him in my arms. Third trimester, LET’S DO THIS! 

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