I could cry, I love these so much. And this couple. Connor + Bethany are basically perfect humans! Bethany originally reached out to me just to tell me that basically everything about my own wedding was perfect – the exact dream she had for hers. We talked for HOURS about colors, venues, decorations – ALL THINGS WEDDING! Her heart is gold and she is truly so beautiful, inside and out! Connor is right there with her – so incredibly kind! Throughout their session, there was so much giggling and love going on, I couldn’t put my camera down to move them. I literally said “OMG, do that again” like five times because their love is just picture perfect. We hiked to the top of Black Balsam Knob for a STUNNING sunset session and this is by far, my favorite engagement session yet. I love their love so much and it is radiated throughout their entire gallery.

Connor + Bethany,
You guys are exactly why I love what I do. I know I met two forever friends when I got to hang out with y’all last weekend. Your hearts are gold and your love for each other is SO pure. I can see Jesus radiating through both of you, and I know he is going to bless your marriage tremendously! I feel so blessed by both of you when I get to spend time with you guys, and it is seriously such an HONOR to be your photographer! I cannot wait to photograph your wedding next July. Bethany, I know you will be a beautiful bride and Connor, you better be ready! She is going to BLOW. YOU. AWAY. Thanks for having so much fun with me and being up for an adventure!!! Next stop – the ALTAR!
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