Well, I’ve officially made it through my first trimester of pregnancy, and let’s just say, God is so good. 

I’m going to be honest, the last few weeks have been incredibly hard. I’ve spent most of my time on the couch on a border-line liquid diet. Food sounds terrible to me and the extent of what i eat is the occasional yogurt, cereal, or fruit. Nausea is not a fun time. 

However, i am SO thankful for the blessing of nausea. I know that sounds crazy, especially considering I’ve been throwing up multiple times a day every day for about 5 weeks. But to be honest, before pregnancy, i worried a lot about miscarriage. My mom had three when she was younger so the thought was always in the back of my head. Thankfully, being nauseous played a huge part in distracting me from even thinking about the possibility of miscarriage. 

I’ve always told people i am pretty much fearless – which has been true. But i won’t lie, pregnancy and having a child is one of the things in life that has always scared me for multiple reasons. I truly think God played a large part in me puking every day. I think he knew that i needed the distraction. Then again, maybe it was just coincidence. I don’t really believe in coincidences, though. So, i am really thankful that the Lord allowed me to be distracted by the nausea. 

Besides that, I’ve also been incredibly tired. I take a lot of naps and I’ve hardly worked for the last month and a half. I am also a really chill pregnant person, which truly surprised me. It’s funny how the Lord works on you before and during pregnancy. I’m truly a different person right now and i am loving it. 

12 weeks. The first trimester. It’s crazy to me that it’s almost over. I’m definitely hopeful that the nausea subsides in the next few weeks. As of now, i have no cravings and a whole lots of symptoms. But ultimately, i am just so incredibly excited for the life growing inside me. 

The Lord answered a huge prayer when Baby H came about, and i have never felt more blessed in my entire life. I cannot wait to hold him in my arms. But until then, i just want to embrace and be present every minute of this season of life. Oh and, SURPRISE! Baby H is a BOYYYY! Our hearts are so full of love for this little babe. Watch the video below for my old wives tales test that I did for fun and the moment we found out what we were having!!

Baby H, i love you so much already. You are going to be so loved by the world around you and I can’t wait to watch you change the world one day. You are definitely going to change my world, and i cannot wait.


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