Seeking Jesus in the Overwhelm

I’m overwhelmed today. 

It’s a good kind of overwhelmed. I’m in a really busy season of life – I am in the middle of moving homes, pregnant and preparing for being a first time mom, serving some of the BEST brides I could ever ask for, planning a baby shower for my best friend, planning vacations to see my friends and family this summer, going to as many of my siblings softball/volleyball/baseball games as possible, and spending time with my family. There’s so much going on. 

Sometimes it’s easy to find myself overwhelmed and stressed about it. But recently, I’ve sat down and just embraced the moment of overwhelm. It’s a GOOD feeling. There’s so much of the Lord’s goodness surrounding me in this season. Sometimes it feels like I could cry because I don’t deserve the good things that I’ve been blessed with. 

Some moments are still hard. They are stressful. They make me want to stop everything and give up. They make me feel like I’m not going to be able to handle all of it or be good enough to carry it. Or that I’m not being a good enough sister, daughter, wife, friend, etc. 

But then I remember, Jesus. He carried the ultimate burden. How could I compare anything “stressful” in my life to what he sacrificed. He died for me and rose so that I can enjoy the freedom that comes with believing in who He is. As Easter approaches, I can’t help but reflect on the freedom that comes from His deep love. 

And today, I am overwhelmed by that freedom. The freedom to pray, to love, to embrace the things that he’s given me, even when it’s a LOT all at once. The freedom that allows me to dance, and sing, and be joyful. Gah, it feels so good to have freedom in Jesus. 

Here’s your reminder :

Whether you are enduring rough times, overwhelming times, busy times, or simple times, there is freedom right there in the middle of it. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 

So whatever you are feeling today, give it to Jesus and find freedom in just being. Find joy in the midst of your circumstance. He died on that cross for us to feel His goodness. Remember that He is there, He is good, He loves you, + He has called you to a purpose. 

I love you guys!

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