To date, the most unique thing I have captured is this stunning Indian Engagement Ceremony! Gabriel and Shwetha had the most incredible day. I got to know Gabriel as a very kind, confident guy who loves his future bride, while we waited on Shwetha to make her grand appearance. In Indian tradition, the engagement ceremony is a big deal – both the future bride and future groom know that they are getting engaged. I couldn’t believe it wasn’t a surprise! But once I sat through the ceremony, I loved everything about their focus on the engagement and how important it is that they know what they are planning to commit to. Gabriel had a stunning ring picked out just for her to propose during the ceremony that was simply breathtaking. And when Shwetha showed up in her beautiful pink Indian dress, Gabriel was so excited. We took their engagement photos, and finally got to the ceremony. The ceremony was very similar to the formality of a wedding; however, the preacher took time to explain the biblical principles about marriage to each of them individually. Songs were sung and scriptures read. It was seriously one of the most unique things I have witnessed. We had to end the ring ceremony inside because the rain wouldn’t give us a break. But Gabriel proposed, Shwetha said yes, and everyone cheered!! I am so excited that I got to witness such a fun, unique cultural experience!

When Shwetha contacted me I honestly had no idea what to expect, but this incredible ceremony blew me away. I ventured down to Sweet Water Country Club and had a blast with Shwetha and Gabriel – despite the rain. It drizzled about the whole time we were there but they made the best of it. I am so excited to finally be able to share these images with you guys!


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