One of my favorite things about mine and Hunter’s relationship is telling people how me met. It’s not your typical “we were high school sweethearts” or “I found him at the beach” kind of story. Nope. Hunter and I met working at Bi-Lo. We make jokes all the time about those days with our “Bi-Lo Crew.” Honestly, he tells the story much better than I can – especially how he got my number – but I guess I will try to do it justice. Hunter grew up only 15 minutes from me and went to Woodmont High School. In 2016, Hunter’s best friend, Shaun, worked at Bi-Lo in Pelzer and ended up encouraging Hunter to work there that summer too. I grew up in Belton and went to Palmetto High School. My best friend, Kacy, also worked at Bi-Lo with Shaun and Hunter, and somehow convinced me that I should come work with her. So, I went to get an application one day and little did I know, Hunter saw me that day and supposedly made a few comments about how cute I was to Shaun. I started at Bi-Lo not too long after that and Hunter became a close friend/coworker. Apparently one day Hunter decided he wanted my number because he was crushing on me. So, in order to get it, he was going to take off work and ask me to work his shift for him JUST so he could get my number. Sneaky Hunter went through the Bi-Lo Directory, got my number, and called me. Apparently, I took his shift but I don’t remember any of this! Talk about a way to get a girl’s number! Anyway, I really developed a crush on him around December 2013. In case your wondering how the crush started, it all began with flirty notes written on the Bi-Lo receipt paper and him walking by me at work to untie my apron for fun. (Yes we wore aprons at work back then lol). Ya know, typical, weird teenager flirting. We snapchatted and texted for a couple months until our first “date” at my sister’s softball tournament. If the boy couldn’t watch softball with me, I knew he wasn’t the one. But Hunter is a sports fanatic, so of course he tagged along and I was hooked! A few months later, on July 4th, Hunter asked me to officially be his girlfriend under the fireworks in downtown Greenville – how romantic 😉 I can’t believe a little friendship that started 6 years ago (thanks to Shaun and Kacy) has turned into a lifetime of forever love! Meeting him is one of the best things that ever happened to me. Thanks, Bi-Lo!

Here are some fun photos from the VERY beginning of our relationship. Two 17 year olds who had NO clue what the next 5 years would hold! Oh, and remember when editing photos with rainbows were cool? LOL. Here are some of our photos from our VERY first date, to the day he asked me to be his girlfriend!

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