“Who gives this woman?” “Her mother and I.” Her dad leaned in for a hug, and he gave her away. The groom took her in his hands. They faced the preacher and bowed their heads. It wasn’t just any prayer. It is the one that began their future together. Still emotional from watching her walk down the aisle, he turned toward her. Everyone else, with their heads bowed. He looked at her in the still, quiet moment. A breeze blew. He squeezed her hand tightly, as if to never let it go. He leaned over and kissed her, gently, on the temple. He held it. After a few moments, he leaned back over, bowing his head. “Amen.”

HOLY WOW. Tyler and Mary are the dreamiest of dreamy. Can I get an amen!? These two have such a special place in my heart for SO many reasons!!! They have the sweetest love story and you can see every bit of their love for each other radiating through them. One of my absolute favorite things about my couples is seeing how well the groom loves his bride, and boy did I see that. Every time I got to hang out with them, including their wedding day, Tyler was alllll about Mary – how she was feeling, what she needed – he was always paying attention to her, kissing her, and loving on her. You can just tell that he has a servant’s heart and loves her SO DANG MUCH! They are one of my favorites and I am so so so excited to share their special day with you!
Tyler + Mary,
You guys blew me away every time you were in front of my camera! Thank you for letting me capture the most SPECIAL time in your lives!!! I can see so much love and Jesus radiating through you and I know you guys are going to be so blessed in your marriage. I am a huge fan of the way you two love and serve each other and I wish I could chase you guys around ALL the time to capture the sweet moments between you! I wish you two the absolute BEST in marriage and I can’t wait to see where the Lord leads you next! I love you guys so much!!
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